Mercury in Retrograde Explained
We always hear so much about Mercury being in Retrograde is something to be wary of. What does it really mean?
What happens when a planet is in retrograde? Scientifically, it is when one planet in the solar system laps another and causes the optical illusion (from viewers on Earth's perspective) of the planet to appear as if it is moving backwards for a period of time. All planets through the course of the year move in and out of Retrograde but there is a heightened awareness when it involves Mercury because it is the planet ruled by communication. Mercury in Retrograde is known to impact communication, travel, technology, contracts and relationships with self and others.
Best way to handle Mercury in Retrograde
When Mercury is in Retrograde it is a time to reflect on the past, pay attention to what you are putting your energy into and to listen to your intuition. What are the old patterns coming up for you to see and break through right now? Setting boundaries, listening to your heart and not resorting to old patterns is important during that time. Look at whatever is coming up as something you need to break through to progress to the next level.
This time period should be used for introspection and recharging which if done correctly and consciously, can be highly transformative, liberating, and help us in breaking free from the past. Give your nervous system some quiet time, by meditating and relaxing.
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